Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Maternity Portraits in Boston and the North Shore

So I have a frustration I need to get out.... WHY WHY WHY do moms-to-be feel they are not attractive when they are expecting? I hear so many beautiful women say to me 'oh, I could never do that.. I look terrible right now?' REALLY?? are you sure?  I think maternity photography is amazing. I think the bodies and the bellies very sensual and the emotions are overwhelming. It is a perfect and magical time to create portraits - works of art that will stand as testimony to the 9 months you spent creating a life (your baby). Moms you are beautiful ... let me show you!

Here is what mom had to say after viewing her portfolio...

"Wow Jacquie! I have always felt that your pictures capture something I can't normally put into words and in so many of these I can see exactly what I'm feeling becoming a mom again. This pregnancy I feel so beautiful for what my body can do, confident, and connected to life in a different way. I feel fearless but anxious and of course a bit nervous but everyday proud to carry this little life. I love that I can look at your pictures and see my emotions reflected. Thank you so much for this photo shoot. It's hard to explain to people just how important becoming a mom is to me. More importantly, it's not always easy to remember everything I feel in the moment, right now. But, I have your pictures to show my babies for the rest of their lives. Your pictures tell a story of change and of love that I might not otherwise remember so clearly. 
Thank you,

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